Stadt Hennigsdorf


While I was working for Kontur Network, we were tasked in creating concept and design for Hennigsdorf, a city north and just outside of Berlin. The city wanted a more modern look and feel while giving the editors of the site some freedom in displaying their content. It should stay a comprehensive source for all things concerning the city both politically and city life.

The design is based on a 12 column grid and making good use of that especially on the front page and entry pages. These pages use content boxes that can be arranged freely to suit the intent of the page. TheĀ hero-image on the front page can either be static or have several slides and both furnishes the site with a modern appeal and servesĀ as a central advertising space for the municipality.

I was lead designer on this project and worked on the concept, multiple site templates and iconography. Typography and colors are based on the cities design guidelines.

The design was then implemented with a customized theme by an external provider.